Meet the Camille bouquet, a captivating arrangement in beautiful lavender tones. This enchanting bouquet features a diverse mix of staple and seasonal flowers, carefully curated based on availability and the creative flair of our expert designers. The Camille bouquet is perfect for adding a touch of elegance and charm to any setting, making it an ideal gift or a stunning centerpiece for your home. Let the soothing hues and delightful fragrance of Camille bring joy and serenity to your space.
Sofia Bianchessi Design is dedicated to providing the highest quality florals and white glove design services. We will never compromise our quality, please note that flowers may vary due to seasonal availability and global growth patterns.. When a certain flower is not available we will contact our client and make a thoughtful decision to provide the perfect substitution of similar value.
All of our products come with a vase included (only the first delivery for subscription orders).